Address of the registered office - Company Headquarters in Krakow - Address of the registered office

The address of the registered office in Krakow for your company can be obtained with the help of our office services. In case you have not established a company yet, you can register it at our address. In case you are already running a business you can transfer it to our office. In this way you will separate your place of business from your domicile.

Address of the registered office in Krakow – registration of the company

Are you a novice entrepreneur? Are you looking for a place where you can register your business? You have come to the right place. We can sign different types of agreements. Monthly, but also annual. You can read more about them on the offer, pricelist and packages pages. For this reason, you will be able to quickly settle matters in the office on the basis of an agreement concluded with us. If you are interested, please contact us.

Address of the registered office in Kraków – transfer of the company

In case you have already established a company but want to transfer it, we are ready to present you our offer. As a result, you can separate your company address from your domicile. For this reason, you will be provided with the incoming mail service without having to do it yourself in your apartment.

List of services available in our virtual office and coworking:

Our offices: