A note on a letter or a package is an element that appears during the first contact with a virtual office. Therefore, very often you ask us a question about whether you need to add anything related to us by providing your company’s address. The answer is very simple.
The addition is not necessary!
A note describing our company as a virtual office operator is not necessary. As a result, the postman knows very well that he delivers parcels to the indicated address. It is enough to indicate our registration address. The postman will recognize our address and deliver everything to us. We receive both letters and parcels.
The service of your parcels in Poland can be handled by companies such as:
How does it work in practice?
In practice, the postman already knows us and knows very well what to look for in our office. For this reason, you can boldly send packages to our address as to yourself. This is due to the good knowledge of people working in logistics about virtual offices and how they work. For this reason, all the delivery companies like DHL, UPC etc. are able to handle all the shipments without any problems.
Other articles from this series:
- Virtual Office Krakow
- Blog: Virtual Office
- How to choose a virtual office?
- Tax inspection in virtual office
- VAT payer and registered office
- Headquarters – What is that?
- What will be my company’s address?
- For what period can you sign a virtual office / virtual address contract?
- How does the secretariat proceed if my client appears in the office unexpectedly?
- Note – Do you have to have any markings on shipments addressed to our company?
- What are the payment methods?
- When I get notified about correspondence?
- Can I collect my correspondence in person?
- Savings and a virtual office