This service will help you never miss the mail. You will always be notified about correspondence sent to you. It all depends on what package you have bought. In practice, you will receive postage information on the same day. We also try to scan your mail within 24 hours. We are aware that the receipt of some documents is connected with the commencement of legal limitation periods or activities on the part of the entrepreneur.
Email – notification of correspondence
When we scan the mail, we send it to the indicated e-mail address. As we have already said before, we can also load your correspondence on a google disk or dropbox. It all depends on which solution is more convenient for you!
Personal reception – notified about correspondence
If you want to pick up your mail personally, we can arrange to inform you by e-mail about each new package and letter and you will pick it up at the end of the week. We want the process of mail handling to be as smooth as possible because thanks to that you are constantly being serviced and we do not have any outstanding shipments.
Special order
If none of the mail handling methods we have written about so far are suitable for you – please call us. All contact numbers can be found on this page – CONTACT. We will be happy to hear about your ideas!
Remember that we are open to cooperation on different terms. In case when you want to change the package of your services during the term of the agreement – call us. You can find out more about this on the website – package change.
The service of your packages in Poland can be handled by companies such as: