How to choose a virtual office? - How to choose a virtual office?

How to choose a virtual office service so you won’t regret your decision? Choosing a virtual office is a decision that affects your mail handling. It also enables you to present your company in a good way. Before you decide on a virtual office, we prepared a guide for you. Get to know on what to look for when making such a decision.

Location of virtual office – How to choose?

Location, location, location. This is one of the most important things to consider when choosing a virtual office. It does not necessarily have to be a location in the city centre. It may turn out to be illusory. First of all, choose a location that will be easy for you to get to. Thanks to that you will be able to collect your mail without any problems. However, if you care about a prestigious and well-known location – the city center is a good idea.

The price of a virtual office

Concentrate on what services the office offers in combination with what prices. If you only want to have a registration address, you can buy it from 30 PLN per month in smaller offices. In case you need to have access to additional services, the price will increase. We know from experience that a virtual office, which is scaled, has the ability to handle a large number of packages cheaply. The real price should then oscillate around 50 PLN. If you want your mail to be scanned additionally, you can also add 10 PLN.

Before you make your choice, check our prices – virtual office Krakow price list.

Virtual office agreement – how to choose the best one?

If you care about the stability of your virtual address, take care of the shape of the contract with the service provider and how it will be implemented. The provider of the virtual address should preferably be the owner of the property or have a long-term lease agreement. This way you can be sure that you will not have to make any changes in the future. For example changes to the National Court Register (KRS) in the course of your business etc.

The second aspect of a virtual office contract is to clearly define what services you are entitled to. Also define how they are provided, in what time and at what price. Before you sign the contract, we recommend to check everything carefully and ask for a preliminary model of the contract. This gives you the opportunity to make sure that the office will prepare everything in a way that suits you.


If you are looking for a virtual office for your business and you have questions – please call us. CONTACT

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