
Additional Services

krakow.coworking-centrum.pl - Usługi dodatkowe

We provide additional services depending on the needs of our customers. This results from our approach to conducting business. Since we focus on flexibility and meeting the needs of our customers, we are open to suggestions. If you are interested in this, we can associate additional services. Alongside the services already provided by us and as something completely complementary to your business activity.

Virtual office and registration address

If you are using the virtual office service and are interested in adapting this service to your needs, let us know. In case you register more companies, or do it regularly, we can help you. Virtual office needs to integrate with your IT system – no problem. If you need to receive mail notifications in several different places at the same time – we can do it! Virtual office and registration address.

Coworking and conference room

Coworking in our understanding is not just space. For this reason, we have already had a few cases when we helped to organize the work of our clients. Sometimes there is help in preparing the business background for the recruitment you are running, and sometimes there is help in providing catering during the conference. Do you have any idea what to do with our space? Go ahead and write! CONTACT.

Additional services – Mail and invoices

A large part of the work in a virtual office is handling incoming and outgoing mail. We know that in such cases it is important to complete all the work on time. From time to time, a customer appears who has specific shipments. He may also be interested in their further shipment. In such a case, we usually sign an annex to the agreement specifying the principles of our cooperation in the field of non-standard shipments.

A separate matter are invoices, which may be subject to a specific cataloguing and further shipment to accounting or outsourcing office dealing with internal affairs in the company. In such a case it is necessary to prepare procedures how, when and to whom to forward the mail further.

Additional services – Companies

As we have already written, some of our clients are interested in conducting business in the form of a commercial company. A large group of clients already has a business activity in this form. Together with such entities, there are needs in the area of legal services and others. Our law firm is responsible for carrying out these tasks. More information about our offer can be found on the website – Companies.

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